Wood Pellet Bedding for Horses

Over recent years more and more people are converting to wood pellet bedding for horses.

As people stray away from tradtitional beddings like straw and savings, it’s easy to see why.

Using wood pellet bedding for horses means you save time, you have a smaller muck heap – and it’s good for your horse (and purse!). The benefits are huge.

The wood pellet bedding for horses market has soared and there is plenty of choice out there. Buying wood pellet bedding for horses is rather like buying flour or sugar so you need to buy a bedding that you can trust.

At Sorbeo we guarantee the highest quality of wood pellet. Each pellet is made from 100% sustainable spruce pine sourced in Scotland’s forests. The wood is processed on site at our very own factory in Ayrshire. The wood pellet bedding is made by roasting the wood over a few days, which gently dries it out. The wood is then ground down and squeezed releasing natural resins which binds the substance together producing perfect pellets for your stable.

Wood pellet bedding for horses composts much more quickly than ordinary shavings as during production the wood has already begun to naturally break down.

So for a wood pellet bedding for horses that you can trust, choose Sorbeo.

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