The Great British Horse Bedding Survey

Enter now to win fabulous prizes every month

Horse bedding can be the source of multiple respiratory problems among our horses. Spores of the notorious Aspergillus mould can attack the airways, weaken performance and cause COPD. That’s why regular changes of clean bedding are critical to our horses’ health and welfare – especially in winter.

You can help reduce health problems by taking part in the first UK Horse Bedding Study.

‘We intend to run the survey for one whole year’ says Fiona Hill of Sorbeo Horse Bedding. ‘There are no real figures out there and the horse bedding industry will benefit hugely by knowing horse owners’ preferences. We also hope to use the data to link respiratory problems and horses’ health with types of bedding’

By taking part you will automatically be placed in a monthly draw to win prizes which include horse bedding, lessons, saddlepads and equine charts.

    How many horses or ponies do you look after?

    What type of horse bedding do you currently use? ( Straw, shavings, pellets, other)

    Do you ‘deep bed’ your horses/ponies?

    Do you have a preferred brand of bedding - if so, what is it?

    Do your horses/ponies lie down in their stable?

    Do you use rubber matting?

    Do you use banks against the walls?

    How often do you muck out?

    Which part of the country are you based (please give first two letters of your postcode)?

    On average, how many hours does each horse or pony spend inside? Winter / Summer

    In total, how many kilos of bedding do you use in a month? Winter / Summer

    How much do you spend on bedding in a month? Winter / Summer

    Have your horses suffered from any respiratory problems?

    If you would like to enter our free draw, please fill in your details below.

    At the show this weekend we will be giving away two Griffin NuuMed saddlepads.

    Thank you for taking part in The Great British Horse Bedding Survey! And good luck in the competition
