Space savin’ Sorbeo and horse bedding suppliers

Many of you ask ‘where can I buy Sorbeo locally?’ Sorbeo has horse bedding suppliers across the UK as some people prefer to buy our bedding by the bag and not by the pallet.

Many people buy between six and ten bags of Sorbeo from their local horse bedding supplier and transport them in the boot of their car – to and from their stable yard. This suits many of our customers as storage can be an issue at livery yards.

It also suits your pocket… a Sorbeo stable can cost as little as £30 to set up. And buying by the bag means you can spread the cost of your bedding over the weeks and month.

Yet, Sorbeo is probably the most space-saving, cost-effective bedding there is. A year’s worth of Sorbeo takes up the same amount of space as 20 bales of shavings. We estimate topping up your stable with one bag a week – that’s as little as £4.90 a week on bedding.

At Sorbeo we pride ourselves on our product. We only ever use virgin white spruce pine. The wood we take is from sustainable Scottish forests – this means we put back the trees we take away.

When you buy Sorbeo – you can be sure of a top-quality, premium, consistent pellet – homemade in our own factory on the West Coast of Scotland.

We never use imported pellets or wood. Nor do we use additives – Sorbeo is 100% natural. Even the bark is stripped from our wood before it goes into the pellet maker… this ensures softness and absorbency.

A lot of imported pellets (there are many on the market) may be brown in appearance, this means that they have a high-bark content. They may have also been treated at very high temperatures which has effectively ‘burnt’ the wood. Bark-content and very hot treatment processing will affect the pellet, making it less absorbent and ultimately dusty. These pellets will most likely be cheaper. You might think you are buying the same amount of pellet, but actually – you are buying less as the pellet will disintegrate to dust.

Three key points are worth remembering when you choose your bedding pellets:

Pellet Source

Where has the bedding been made? Have the pellets been imported? What is the bedding made from? Recycled wood might sound good but waste wood may have been used to transport hazardous goods. A pellet should never be made from sawdust.


White pellets are the best – with no bark-content. You should be looking for a pellet made from virgin white wood – preferable spruce pine.


This is the main reason why we use wood pellet bedding. The moisture in a Sorbeo pellet has been reduced from 40% to 3% – making them desperate to absorb any moisture your horse creates.

Sorbeo Horse Bedding Suppliers

If you use a horse bedding supplier which doesn’t stock Sorbeo and you would like to buy by the bag, please let us know… we can get in touch with them to take a pallet on your behalf.

If you are horse bedding supplier and would to to stock Sorbeo then please get in touch. We have very competitive rates for retailers.

And remember, it’s only Sorbeo if it says so on the bag.